
In my post from two days ago I shared on making time to spend with God. I do encourage people to set a time aside for God each day, a time to read His Word and pray, a time to sit on the Potter’s wheel and be changed. Especially if you find yourself doing this less and less as the responsibilities of life begin to crowd in. However, I also shared about making time for God in every moment of your day. Today I want to show you how. It’s very simple you see. All you have to do is answer God’s invitations.

God sends invitations? Oh, yes indeed.

Just as I’m waking up each morning I’ll hear a song, a scripture, a word that starts me thinking on Him. And each morning I recognize these as “invitations” to spend time with Him. I’ll get out of bed and put on that song, read that scripture or start searching the scriptures with the word He spoke in my heart that morning. I don’t have a set time anymore, but I do spend time with Him every morning. I simply respond to His invitation.

He always wakes me before anyone else in the house, well before I have to start my day. How many times have you awakened well before the alarm and thought about spending time with Him only to roll over and go back to sleep?

When I wake up at 2:00 a.m. I watch for a moment to see if He is inviting me. If I don’t hear anything or sense His tugging in my heart, I roll over and go back to sleep. But if He is wanting to spend time with me I go and meet with Him no matter what the time.

I enjoy spending time with Him in these early morning hours and then crawling back into bed thinking about Him.

His invitations don’t just come in those early morning hours. As I go about my day, I’ll hear a song, I’ll think of a scripture, I’ll hear a word in my heart and once again, I simply respond to His invitation. The songs invite me to worship Him. The scriptures invite me to spend time in His Word. And often, the songs and the scriptures lead me into prayer. Praying about needs as He leads, but more often than not, just talking to Him.

I mentioned in one post about talking to Him about the butterflies when they fly by. I see every butterfly as an invitation to talk to Him. I see every sunset and every rainbow as a launching pad for our next conversation. I talk to Him about the flowers, the birds and the trees. I talk to Him about the pretty things I see in the stores.

After each mistake I make there’s always on open invitation to receive His mercy and to crawl in His lap with 1 John 1:9 and repent and be changed.

At the end of the day I have spent much time in prayer, much time in His word, much time in worship and not because I planned it, but simply because I recognized and responded to the invitations.

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