Because I Love You

Recently I have been taking a stand against a minor ailment in my body. While the ailment has been minor, one of the effects has been major. I haven’t been able to sing  for two months. This is a major thing in my life.

I’ve been whispering my worship to God for two months now. Not fun. I haven’t been able to sing around the house which brings me great joy. And during my times of ministering to the sick, singing is often a very important part of the ministry. I have only attempted singing in ministry once in two months, and it was not pretty. Worked out okay, but not pretty.

I don’t particularly like singing for others, but when it comes up in my heart to sing during ministry, the results are always so precious. When I sing the songs He asks me to sing it feels like a blanket of His Presence, His love, and His healing power just wraps around the person being ministered to bringing them to a place of faith, hope and love!

So yesterday I was thinking about how this ailment is affecting my ability to minister to others and I finally thought to ask the Lord for wisdom. I’ve been standing for my healing, but I’d forgotten to ask for wisdom. I thought to myself, “I really need to get wisdom on this, because I need to be able to sing in my ministry to others.”

In just a moment, God dropped a thought into my heart that so blessed me. He said, “Even if you never minister to another person, even if you never sing another song, I still want you healed, because I love you.”

I teach this very concept to others in regards to His love and His healing. I always say, “He healed you because He loves you.” And here I was thinking about how important it was for my ministry. He was thinking about how important it was simply because He loves me.

I think about parents and their children. What parent thinks, “I want my child healed for what they can do for me” ? No, parents want their children healed simply because they love them.

He loves me. He loves you. He heals because He loves.

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised  for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5, KJV)\

Healing was a work of the cross. And what was the motivation for the work of the cross?

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son…

The same way we received another work of the cross, forgiveness of sins; it’s by faith that it might be by grace; believe in your heart and confess with your mouth; this same way we receive healing. Have faith in His love. Have faith in His word that by His stripes ye were healed (1 Peter 2:24). Declare His love and His healing and by faith receive the grace to be healed. Simply because He loves you.